Cannula Tip Grinding

Advanced Medical Components offers custom cannula tip grinding and manufacturing services for medical markets, veterinary markets and additional industrial applications. We are also building up a small inventory of more affordable off-the-shelf needles or quick finish (cut-off) needles. If you don't see what you are looking for don't hesitate to reach out and see if it is a product we would consinder carrying.

Custom Trocar Grinding

A Trocar point is a 3-sided grind on a solid wire, with grinds generally oriented 120° degrees from one other.

Custom Lancet Grinding

The most common needlepoint found in medical applications, Lancets consist of two-side grinds on a triple ground needle. Our advanced grinding process allows you to perform multiple passes for specific lancet applications.

Custom Bevel Grinding

A Bevel is considered any ground surface of a tube. Some commonly found types of bevel are bias and tuohey. Contact us today for your custom bevel application.

Animal Injection Needle

Animal injections require the sharpest needle possible. The recommended needle point style for this application is a 12° bevel. AMC can manufacture a variety of different bevel degrees, if you have a specific request just let us know.

AMC provides multi-profile grinds for complex needles, cannulas and wire products. Others examples include Menghini features or skived and scalloped tubes with varying grind angles for biopsy, aspirator needle sets. Additional examples include blunt ends, diamond points (4 faces), trephine, and other unique tip geometries and profiles.

This is not the exact stainless steel and nitinol tip grinding machinery we have but an example of how tip grinding might work on small wires and tubing. We are life long learners and like to educate our customers on types of processes and systems :)

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If you have an attachment, please email us the project information for a timely quote.